It is so amazing with these colours from nature. They change depending on the season.
Tapinella Atrotomentosa ( samettijalka) gave the green colour to the italian merinowool in the late autamn 2013. Earlier I saw only grey and brown tones.
The yellow colour came very amazingly from Calluna Vulgaris (kanerva). Very nice by the way in combination with black!
It is an exiting world of colours! The long mittens are a combination of the green and the yellow. Applications are indian silk from Kuwait.
Art makes me so happy. The language of art is silent but touches strongly......Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting two of my artist friends in Helsinki. The purpose of the meeting was to plan an upcoming POP - UP event.
Happy me.
We met in a place called Kippo. Kippo is finnish and the word means bowl or bucket......Kippo is a modern smothie - bar. A plain and inspiring place. It probably gave me the the idea of the name for the coming exhibition as well : " Kippoja & muuta" = "Bowls & other things".
Sirpa is my friend since many years and until now I have exhibited her works two times. I am very fond of her ceramics. She also paints.
I met Tiina for the first time a year ago. I like the gentle person a lot and last autamn I was invited to her home. I totally fell in love with her plain ceramics thin as eggshell.....Her paintings are just symphatic! We agreed on a POP -UP show and this will be our second.
Tavatessani Sanskin Puumalassa heinäkuussa 2013 olin aivan lumoutunut hänen värjäämistään langoista. Kutomisintoni sai alkunsa! Lausahdin Sanskille syksyllä: " en tiedä miksi tätä teen ja miksi olen niin innostunut".....
Nyt tiedän. Saan taas olla kauniiden asioiden välittäjänä!!! Kuten galleristina ja taidekuraattorina olen saanut olla.
Tämä on minun elämäni matka energisoivien värien parissa!!!
Sanskin lankoja voi hankkia minulta seuraavan kerran POP-UP tapahtumassa Siuntion Pickalassa 29 ja 30.3. Lisätietoja:
Tässä Leilan upea pusero ja rannekkeet.